Services Provided


  • 60-90 min talk with optional Q&A
  • Includes a pre-engagement call to better understand your needs
  • Unlimited participants


  • 180-360 min interactive session
  • Includes a pre-engagement call to better understand your needs
  • Max 30 participants


  • 120 min
  • For everyone who wants to find their True North


  • Depending on the need
  • For everyone who wishes to live an inspired and fulfilled life
  • Unlimited participants

Coaching Topics

Common questions

Business Communication & Coaching

Derek Bok, Former President of Harvard University, is known for his famous quote: “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance”.

Business Communication can seem expensive but many studies show that the lack of clear internal and external communication strategies lead companies to huge losses and very low return on investment.

Whatever the scale of the business is, a lack of proper communication can lead to major issues and affect the image of the company and its reputation in the market, which in turn will need a lot of money, time, expertise and crisis management to get the trust of stakeholders again. Therefore, prevention is the best strategy and can only be done through positive communication! 

Simply, if there is a good communication strategy internally and externally that is implemented the right way creating a healthy work environment and a good reputation, automatically the business will become more profitable and will grow exponentially.

How is that?

Positive Communication prevents conflicts, provides a clear image and retains employees. This alone will help gain time, effort and money and will allow business owners to focus more on expensing the business, being able to rely on a proactive workforce and knowing that new achievements are appreciated by all stakeholders, including most importantly clients.



Life Coaching

Life coaching is about finding your true north through different areas of life , a journey towards discovering your full potential , setting your goals , and achieving them thanks to a mindset and practical lifestyle tips. 

Life coaching courses with NMK equip you with the necessary tools to have a clear vision of who you are and what you want to do in life in order to reach satisfaction . 

NMK programs are unique in terms of the rich array of topics covered, academic , practical and real life cases. 

Academic Coaching

Up until now, Academic Coaching is about preparing potential students to apply to university programs, write recommendation letters and prepare files.

This is not how NMK sees it. Academic Coaching is much deeper and larger than that.

The world is changing rapidly and people have now different priorities.

As Socrates says: “An Unfulfilled Life is Not Worth Living” and NMK believes that we need to feel passionate about what we are doing in our lives and turn our passion into a successful career. This is how education is supposed to be seen. It is not a punishment or a list of courses to pass. Knowledge will only be perceived as enlightenment if it fits the purpose of a fulfilled life.

No, NMK has another mission which is to help you discover what will make you live a good life and be fulfilled, instead of having degrees while being miserable. Once this is done, you will know for sure what major to apply to and why. You will then be able to succeed in any program all over the world and to exponentially enhance your personal growth and reach your full potential.

The mission of NMK is also to effectively manage and cope with the many stressors that come with life as a student such as: academic struggles, financial difficulties, career indecision, personal issues, relationship conflicts, belonging problems, bullying, time management and others.

NMK Programs are built around a clear diagnosis that most people just study because they “have to” instead of because they “are eager to”.

It includes theory on how to choose what you are passionate about, how to get to know yourself better in order to be enlightened by education and guided by critical thinking with the goal of leading a fulfilled and successful life. It also includes workbooks so that each person can personalize his/her answers, which will help him or her make the best choice of their lives.

It also helps:

  • Identify the criteria that characterize their personalities.
  • Develop a clear idea of what would make them happy on all personal, academic and professional levels.
  • Determine goals and create a clear strategy and a flexible timetable that would allow students to reach them.
  • Express stressors or problems faced and create long-term solutions to get back on track quickly.
  • Apply their new skills to access the professional world with more self-confidence and embrace circumstances efficiently.

Political Communication & Communication

Through my experience, my researches and my observations, I have realized that Political Leaders really need a very specialized kind of coaching, especially today when moral values and ethical behaviors are highly needed in this field all over the world.

This is why I came up with a new Political Coaching Approach.

So what is Political Coaching? It is about Mind Shifting Politics.

Political Coaching is the art of asking the right questions at the right time.

It helps the Political Leader take the best and most ethical decisions that can show his ability to lead communities towards higher living standards.

Political leaders are constantly surrounded by consultants telling them what to do. In urgent matters, decisions are taken quickly without taking time to step back and ask the right questions, which is often leading to unethical decisions affecting communities around the world.

Political Coaching is NOT about telling the Political Leader what to do, and this is how it is, in my understanding, different from consulting or counselling.

The NMK programs are designed to fill in this huge lack of ethical and highly professional coaches that are specialized in politics.

Based on my studies and observations, I came up with my own detailed methodology to coach Political Leaders at all levels of their careers and to share this methodology with whomever is willing to become a professional Political Coach.

The added value of my detailed Political Coaching Methodology is that it takes into consideration all the aspects of the life of Political Leaders that cannot be coached like Business Executives because of the huge differences between these two fields.

The goal is to teach outstanding people to become Political Coaches providing them lifelong learning, research-based updates and an international community of like-minded individuals; and to Coach Political Leaders, Parties, NGOs and Civil Society Groups to take the most ethical decisions and have a positive impact on their populations.